George Orwell’s 1984: Oppression And Totalitarianism

This is an analysis of a quote from George Orwell’s 1984 on oppression and totalitarianism.

“…if leisure and security were enjoyed by all alike, the great mass of human beings who are normally stupefied by poverty would become literate and would learn to think for themselves and once they had done this, they would realize that the privileged minority had no function…(George Orwell, 1984).”

In Oceania, the majority of the population consists of the “proles”, who are people being portrayed as savages, as opposed to human beings. The party seems to have no need for these futile beings, and for the

most part, seem to have forgotten their existence. As opposed to the rest of the population who’s houses are infested with telescreens and microphones, and who are constantly being watched and monitored, most of these things do not apply to the proles, who seem to have almost unconstrained freedom, in comparison to the “non-proles”. The proles are depicted as unintelligent people, whose main purpose is to work. The party knows, however, that these proles are not as stupid as they are made out to be, it is just their lack of education and knowledge, which is holding them back. They realize that if the proles were to all become literate, they would instantaneously realize that this “ideal” party is just the opposite. The party is aware that if these proles were to have the chances the non-proles had, that without a doubt they would riot against the party, which would irrefutably result in total obliteration of the party. Due to their mere size, the proles could effortlessly take out the party if they felt it was essential. The proles who are supposed to be so
“stupid” that they merit not even to be called human, ironically seem to be just the opposite. The party is determined to keep the proles uninformed and to busy to worry about the party.

“The great mass of human beings who are normally stupefied by poverty would become literate and would learn to think for themselves; and when once they had done this, they would sooner or later realize that the privileged minority had no function, and they would sweep it away”. If the proles were to get an education, it is evident as stated that they seem to have not only the capabilities of becoming intellectual people, but becoming intellectual people who are not naïve, as everyone who is loyal to the party doubtlessly is. The proles are also powerless to, since they are all poverty stuck, and for the most part, live in dingy neighbourhoods, infested with rodents and insects. If the proles were given the same rights as the rest of the population, than faster than the blink of an eye the party would perish.

The quote reveals that it is not the proles who are “stupid”, it is in fact those who know better, and yet are willingly faithful to the party who are quite naïve and “stupid”. The proles no hardly anything about the party and therefore it is hard for them to realize that they are being repressed.

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Article Written By dawn1111

dawn1111 is a blogger at

Last updated on 29-07-2016 2K 0

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